
Win 100,000 Baked Beans!

7 years ago by WAD Chris

The number of WAD members is approaching 100,000 (currently 99,465), so we’ve decided to celebrate by giving away 100,000 baked beans*!

Don’t like baked beans? That’s fine, we’ll (reluctantly) send you the cash equivalent of £100. Want to give beans? Donate them to a food bank or relevant charity and we’ll double it to 200,000 baked beans and even send them for you!

How to enter

  1. If you’ve not signed up to, do it now.
  2. Tell friends, family and strangers about (why wouldn’t you?) and send them your referral link.
  3. Post your referral link on social media, blogs, and baked bean appreciation society notice boards.
  4. Once we hit 99,999 members the next referral wins their referrer the prize. Yummmm….

Referrals? On WAD? Well, we had planned to do something shortly after launch last year, but we got distracted by problems with our other site (formerly We will be introducing a Bonus and Referral system like PMP’s eventually, but until then, we’ll be running occasional competitions like this (not all about baked beans). Once we do, we will retrospectively apply Bonus etc. so you can go ahead and get referring. Grab your own WAD referral link here (you need to be signed in).

Happy dinner winning!

Chris & Team 🙂

Get your referral link

* According to this YouTube video, there are an average of 465 beans in a standard 415g tin of baked beans. Happy to be corrected!

January? No....Veganuary!

7 years ago by Bruce Bogtrotter

After the excesses of Christmas, many people are embarking on a dietary challenge to kickstart 2018. Veganuary is a pledge to avoid any animal-based products for one whole month, it promises to improve your health, your impact on the environment and -if you’re sensible- improve your bank balance too!

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